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The inspiration behind this typeface was none other than Lurch Addams from the Addams family. I knew from the start that I wanted to create a typeface that was simple, bold, & uniform, so I started sketching page after page of initial ideas. Once I knew that I had good bones to work with, I went ahead & started implementing the idea to the whole alphabet. After months of working to get the typeface as close to perfection as possible, the end result was one that I was highly satisfied with. 

The poster concept was an idea that came to me as soon as I decided to name the font Lurch. Being that he was the butler, what better way to represent this figure then having his head served on a silver platter? We all know that the Addams mansion is old & dusty, so the addition of the spiderwebs in the background gave this design the right amount of texture that it needed. 

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